I am extremely happy and proud to be one of the four nominees to Design S in the category Konsthantverk & Hantverk 2018
About my nominated work:
I have given myself the task to boil down my impressions of each year's furniture fair to one neckpiece/object. An object of trends, shapes, colors, materials and patterns that talks about our time.
These are part of my project "Things", a project that focuses on our over-consumption. My climate anxiety started around 12 years ago and came to focus a lot around consumption and overconsumption. Not least because I as a designer/artist myself is part of the consumption chain of food.
I first got the idea of interpreting the furniture fair, from the cover page of an ELLE magazine lying around on our studio toilet. The message was:
"Restart!" "Renovate your home!" "Newest furniture, hottest trends!" "Be the first with the latest!" "Let yourself be inspired to renew" "5 home to long home to" "Be the first with the latest from the furniture fair ".
New seasons bring new trends for the home, for the body, for the identity, move out the old - bring in the new. We buy more and more. Consumption increases for each year. And the sales records must increase every year to make the market work. We do this despite the fact that most people should be aware of that our consumption is purely unethical during this climate changing times.
These relatively heavy necklaces or objects that speak of the trends, shapes, colors, materials and patterns of the year are all handmade by me. The working method has become incredibly inspiring, not least because I have been working with so many different materials.
"Things 15 Vår 2014"
"Things 18 Möbelmässan 2015"
"Things 19 Möbelmässan 2016"
"Things 23 Möbelmässan 2017"
Detaljer från olika år: