October 2020

Åsa was again nominated as one of 4 to Design S, Swedish Design Awards 2020 





October 2020 

The ehibition ”Hands of tomorrow” during Sthlm craft week, Galleri I, Stockholm


 ”Humans were here” Stenkol 

Antropocen lider mot sitt slut. Vårt ihärdiga användande av olja, kol och gas har försatt oss i den 6:e massutrotningen. Om vi fortsätter leva som i dag kommer stora delar av jordens yta att vara helt obeboeliga inom en mycket snar framtid. Denna bit av stenkol kommer sannolikt från ett av tre skepp som sänktes av minor utanför Ölands sydöstra kust under andra världskriget. Det finns inte stenkol naturligt på platsen där jag hittade dessa.



 2020 Tidningen Hemslöjd, no 2, pages 26-29 



May 2020


Åsa will participate in Sigtuna at ”Klimatexistens” Sigtunastiftelsen and CEMUS with exhibition and lecture.

...The conference has been postponed until August 2021 due to Corona 


April 2020

Upcoming exhibition at Kulturnatten 18 april "NUTIDA ESKAPISM"

...Kulturnatten was canceled due to Corona. 



February 2020



Länsmuseet Gävleborg 13 februari 2020 kl 13:00-17:00

TEMA: Finna sin plats som slöjdare – möjligheter och värde


Andreas Nobel, inredningsarkitekt och möbeldesigner, Professor Möbeldesign, Malmstens LiU. Slöjdens möjligheter, vad kan slöjden bidra med? 

Pernilla Svenre, textilformgivare i gränslandet mellan konst och slöjd. Vägen till att sälja produkter i egen butik och styrkan med det småskaliga.

Åsa Elmstam, konstnär, konsthantverkare och formgivare. Vad är jag värd – värdet av det handgjorda.






Recived the Book - Verdadero es lo hecho - Ex votos and contemporary jewellery from Argentina and the Exhibition “True is what has been made” The Folk Museum in Buenos Aires.




November 2019


Åsa was accepted as a member of the Association Konsthantverkarna in Stockholm.


October 2019

19/10-2019 there is an opening at Rian Designmuseums in Falkenberg of the project “Smyckoteket” 12-16.

“Smyckoteket är namnet på Rian designmuseums nya samling av smyckekonst. Medan föremålen i en vanlig museisamling oftast är placerade i magasin, ska smyckena i Smyckoteket kunna cirkulera i samhället och bäras av alla. Med start i februari 2020 kommer det att gå att välja och boka ett smycke via Smyckotekets webbkatalog och sedan hämta ut det på museet för en låneperiod. Smyckoteket kommer att innehålla arbeten av moderna och samtida smyckekonstnärer, både svenska och utländska, med en stor bredd i uttryck och material. Under hösten 2019 visas de första 20 inköpta smyckena”.

Photo: @riandesignmuseum IDNAMADI, The model is Boris, the CEO of Gekås

Smyckoteket smyckoteket_rian_designmuseum


October 2019

Åsa will participate at Sthlm Craft Week at Hangmen Projects - HANDMADE TALES
04.10 - 01.11 2019

Handmade tales
To coincide with Stockholm Craft Week, hangmenProjects presents a current narrative on craft by 17 material-based artists. This story, through its execution, reflects the long history of craft in relation to both it’s value and gender hierarchies.
One of the dividing lines between arts and crafts is based on a tale that fails to mention that many forms of art practices are based on knowledge of a technology.
Another fable is the supremacy and subordination of thought and hand. An eternal either-or, who might as well be both-and.
That's why there is something important to tell, and at hangmenProjects we have selected 17 artists' perspectives. Based on their reality. A handmade storytelling.




Tidningen Hemslöjd, no 5, page 11

asa_elmstam_hemslojd asa_elmstam_tidningen_hemslojd




2019 Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden just bought this piece from the exhibition "Vad är jag värd?"

            1639 minuter Åsa Elmstam



September 2019



Åsa will exhibit at "Klimatsalongen" in Nyköping 6-8th of September




August 2019



Danderysds Sjukhus - Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm are about to install 11 pieces of Åsas work at the section for Dyslexia



August 2019


Åsa is doing a large skulpture to the "Climate festival – whats next?" at Vintervikens Trädgård in Stockholm for the 31 of August




June - August 2019

Åsa Is exhibiting with Nutida Svenskt Silver at Millesgården - Nutida c/o Millesgården.




May - June 2019

Solo exhibition at Konsthantverkarna in Stockholm

         Vad är jag värd 

  vernissagekort_vad_ar_jag_vard_asa_elmstam    vernissagekort_vad_ar_jag_vard_asa_elmstam_text




May 2019

Åsa is exhibiting on Jesper Weithz book release with Sjösalaförlag at The Wangel Weithz Center for Contemporary Contempt

                 the_wangel_weithz_center_for_contemporary_contempt_asa_elmstam      Sjosala_forlag_asa_eömstam





May 2019

Opening of the exhibition "Inspirerad av dig" at Nutida Svenskt Silver



   PÄr_Holmgren_Åsa_Elmstam Pär_Holmgren_Asa_Elmstam_inspirerad_av_dig




April 2019

My exhibition room during “We don’t have times” big international no-fly climate conference in Stockholm on Earth Day. And the panel discussion about Art and the Climate crisis 







April 2019

RIAN designmuseum in Sweden has just bought this piece






March 2019

Exciting photo shoot at the Swedish Parliament. Pär Holmgren with my jewelry specially made for him. He is a climate expert and a top candidate for the European Parliament this spring.
The pieces will be on show at the gallery Nutida Svenskt Silvers exhibition “Inspirerad av dig” "Inspired by you" Opening on May 18th. Get there then! Pär will be present at the opening!

The power of jewellery! 

Inspirerad_av_dig_par_holmgren_asa_elmstam Inspirerad_av_dig_par_holmgren_asa_elmstam_utstallning




Süddeutsche zeitung – Plan W, nr. 02

asa_elmstam_suddeutsche_zeitung asa_elmstam_suddeutsche_zeitung_plan_w




March 2019



Asa_Elmstam_shirt Asa_Elmstam_shirt_backside




February 2019                                

From: Magazine Baltic Jewelry News




2018 The Magazine ”FORM” no 6, page 42

Form_magazine_Asa_elmstam Form_magazine_Asa_elmstam



Very happy to have been selected for Schmuck 2019

                       From the magacine Form - More Things


Thank you Konstnärsnämnden! Åsa has recived a one year working grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee!




From The Magazine ”FORM” no 4 2018, page 104

                       From the magacine Form - Design S


From The Magazine ”FORM” no 3 2018, page 31

                       From the magacine Form - More Things


Next no 3 of FORM

                            From the magacine Form - More Things


New Solo exhibition coming up! "More Things" Opening 17/5 2018 at Nutida Svenskt Silver





Åsa was nominated as one of 4 to Design S, Swedish Design Awards 2018




New exhibition coming up! Opening 26/1 2017






Åsa recived the 7-day residency for artists in the Nordic Watercolour Museum



Åsa was accepted into and are now part of the Association Nutida Svenskt Silver. Contemporary Swedish Silver from 2016



Åsas piece in the last no of the magazine FORM #2/2016. Photographed by Julia Peirone






Short article featuring Åsa Elmstam in the latest no of the magazine Hemslöjden #2/2016





THE EXHIBITION AT ABANTE GALLERY IS EXTENDED UNTIL THE 30TH OF MARCH ________________________________________________________________________________

Up coming Solo show



Åsas exhibitions no. 13 & no. 15


Next week: Åsa will be part of

"Dåtid. Nutid. Framtid."

18-21 februari ställer Nutida Svenskt Silver ut på Antikmässan. Monter C02:50 & C02:61


Åsa will be part of:

The spring program of the Nationalmuseum in Sweden are out now. No *13 and *15 in the program are with Åsa Elmstam




Up coming exhibitons 2016:

# ”Dåtid-Nutid-Framtid” with Nutida Svenskt Silver on Nordic Antiques Fair, Antikmässan,    Stockholm 17th - 21 of February

# Solo exhibition "Things" at Abante Gallery, Stockholm, February 27th - March 16th

# "Daughters at Daughters" 12th-13th of March


Åsa will be part of:



Åsa will be part of:




Autumn 2014

Åsa will have an exhibition "JUST ONE MORE" at Ubi Gallery, Beijing, China together with Sungho Cho and He Jing



And through Gallery Ubi Åsas work was included in the "Autumn 2014 Poly Auction" In Beijing


March 2014 I received the book Suspend.ed in Green that I'm in

                                          Suspended in green


Åsa is part of the exhibition "Vårsalongen 2014" at Liljevachs in Stockholm.

January 24 to March 23





Some items will also be sold in Liljevachs store



                                                   ISBN 978-91-86011-22-2


Åsa Elmstam will be participating in the Christmas Fair at Skrapan 14 - 15 December 2013


October 2013

New upcomming exhibitions " Suspended in Green" -

V&V Gallery, Vienna, Austria. 11TH January 2014 – 8th March 2014.

Studio Gabi Green, Munich, Germany 13th – 17th March 2014.

Lesley Craze Gallery, London, England 14th August 2014 – 20th September 2014


October 2013

The book "New Earrings" Thames & Hudson, are out now. Åsa is participating in the book.

ISBN 978-0-500-29082-8

                                     new earrings


September 2013

Åsa is participating in the project "Eating Art" invited by Gallery Platina - Sofia Bjorkman and Yasar Aydin


September 2013

I am one of four finalists who are selected for The Art Jewelry Forum (AJF) Artist Award Competition - Emerging Artist




Pictures of my work will be shown at Saatchi Gallery in London from August 2013



Asa mentioned in Kulturnyheterna at STV, the biggest culture news program in Sweden. 8 minutes into the program.



Åsa is a part of the competition "Nordic art Insight"



Åsa was interviewed in a Chinese lifestyle magazine some time a go. The interview was about living as sustainable as possible and about my ongoing project “Things”

Here is the the link: http://nordicjoylife.com


Åsa has just received KHV Konsthantverkets Vänners scholarship.


Åsa has just received Ateljéstöd Stockholm Stad. Studio support from the Cultural Department of Stockholm City


                                      estonian daily

February 2013 "Eesti Päevaleht" - Estonian Daily, Åsa Elmstam mentioned in an article plus picture


Today I received a book from the group touring exhibition "Ritual"

ISBN: 987-83-62534-22-7



16/1-2013 Åsa had an interview with a Chinese life style magazine about my current project.


16-20/1-2013 Åsa is participating in a Seminar in Oslo about Contemporary Nordic Jewellery

As well as the opening of the exhibition "From the coolest corner" at the The Museum of Decorative Arts and Design / Nasjonalmuseet


Now the book is released - From the Coolest Corner Nordic Jewellery. Arnoldsche Nasjonalmuseet
ISBN: 978-3-89790-373-9

Åsas work is featured on five pages, containing both analysis and images.

                                from the coolesr corner bok________________________________________________________________________________

Åsa got a Scholarship from Iaspis/Konstnärsnämnden for international cultural exchange to Oslo in January 2013




ALLA is also exhibited in the following places:

Gustavsbergs Konsthall, 1 Februari - 3 Mars 2013

Form/Design Center in Malmö, Opening 14th of december 2012, 17-19 PM




2012-2013 “Visual presentations in public space advertising the project "From the Coolest Corner" on Karl Johan and Rådhusgata in Oslo, Norway. (Huge print on Åsas work in a window display). Photograph of work: Åsa Elmstam


Åsa Elmstam

From the coolest corner From the coolest corner

Coolest corner


Åsas work is featured in the book "The art of Collecting"

ISBN: 978-9949-30-804-0

                                     The art of collecting



Åsa is having an artist presentation at 11 AM, 24th of November at Estonian Academy of Arts, Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn



Åsa is part of the ”Tallinn Applied Art Triennial” in November 2012 - February 2013



                                                                                        From the coolest corner

Åsa will be part of "From the Coolest Corner"

From the Coolest Corner – Nordic Jewellery will present a wide range of recent jewellery art created in the Nordic countries. Jewellery will be presented in three different ways; a touring exhibition, a comprehensive catalogue and an international symposium, all shedding new light on the importance of jewellery art. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden will be the main collaborators in this project.

The exhibition will be shown in:




        Contemporary collected

Oct-Nov 2012 Åsa will be part of the exhibition"Contemporary Collected" at Iki-ba and Midori.so during Designers Week in Tokyo



www.fruform.se photo-documentation-of-contemporary-collected-at-midori-so

Exhibitors Midori.so:
Anna von Schewen
Anton Alvarez
Ateljé Lyktan
Axel Bjurström
Clara von Zweigberg
Claesson Koivisto Rune
David Taylor
Emma Marga Blanche
Design House Stockholm
DFTS Factory
Form Us With Love
Fredrik Paulsen
Hanna Hedman
Hilda Hellström
Jakob Solgren
Jonas Wagell
Karin Wallenbäck
Katrin Greiling
Kristina Stark
Kristoffer Sundin
Kyuhyung Cho
Magdalena Nilsson
Marrakech Design
No Early Birds
Sara Szyber
Shane Schneck
Simon Klenell
Staffan Holm
Stina Löfgren
Svenskt Tenn
Thomas Bernstrand
Tove Thambert
Åsa Elmstam



Opening of the exhibition ALLA at Röhsska Museet in Gothenburg 2 okt. The exhibition will be on untill the 9th of december 2012




Åsa is part of a touring exhibition for Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland 2012-2013


It will also be exhibited at Yes Gallery in Poznan, Poland. During GOLD, SILVER, TIME fair in Warsaw. And in Germany and Czech Republic...



2012 Åsa is published in the book New Earrings, Thames & Hudson

                                     rings bok


2012 Åsa is published in the book ALLA, ISBN: 978-91-637-11794

                                       Alla bok


2011 Åsa Elmstam will be part of the project ALLA




Åsa will have a lecture at Tokyo Zokei University the 27th of May 2010 at 16.00


2010 Åsa is published in the book New Rings from Promo Press, Barcelona

Open House

Åsa Elmstam will do an internship at Open House inc.
in Tokyo in the spring of 2010


Åsa Elmstam is participating at Frame

Craft and Design fair Munich 3 - 9 March 2010 via Platina


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